
Monthly Archives: August 2014

Summer is almost over and it has been interesting with many new experiences.
Last day of summer was also the first open stage for the fallseason at Pustervik. I played two songs. We had a good time and listened to all the acts. There are usually very good musicians and the crowd listens well.

A couple of years ago when I was in Nashville, I happened to meet Melissa Ellen who is a voice coach.

I am not a natural singer, I started singing when I was over 30 years old. So, it is good for me to get some extra help with my voice.

Melissa lives currently in Atlanta and give voice lessons by Skype, so I’ve started taking lessons from her.

I took a couple of lessons a year ago and now I’m at it again. It will hopefully show the next time I play.

Melissa Ellen

Here is her web-site –